Image: The Landscape, 2017. Photo credit: Ken Ek

Image: The Landscape, 2017. Photo credit: Ken Ek


Daniel Clayman

"An interest in engineering, the behavior of light, and the memory of experience, all inform my work.  Ideas come to me through daily reading, a quick glance up at the sky in the gloaming, and more formally through academic research on various subjects. Mining my memory for moments, with an end result being that each and every object, drawing, or print I make is an expression of how my mind’s eye views the world. A penchant for how all things are made, invented processes, and the act of labor, further inform the basis of my studio practice.

Working at a scale ranging from six inches to sixty feet, I employ technology from the simplest hand tool to the latest three-dimensional modeling and production techniques. Using glass as my primary sculptural material allows me to draw on a lifetime of experience, specifically my early years as a theater lighting designer. My current large-scale installations, illustrate moments such as the sun setting or a downpour frozen in time."